Sunday, February 3, 2013

Did man and dinosaurs co-exist thousands of years ago? If so, where is the evidence?

This is Carlisle Cathedral in England
If creationists are right, then dinosaurs and man must have been created on days 5 and 6 and threefore they would have co-existed. If that is true, there should be eveidence as well. So why are we showing a picture of the Carlisle Cathedral?

Creation or Evolution, weighing the evidence.

There are two very distinct differences when it comes to the models of Creation and Evolution as it pertains to our ancestors. Here is a bief summary overview:

Creation Conference 12-1-12


Does Bible actually teach that creation took six lteral days?

     Many evangelical Christians who profess to believe the Genesis account of creation over the Theory of Evolution still argue over one main area. Did God really perform the act of creation within six literal days? Since science has “proven” the earth is billions of years old and that the dinosaurs lived millions of years before man even existed, isn’t it only logical to conclude that the earth could not have really been created within the literal six days of creation? Regardless of the sincerity and depth of the believer’s conviction that creation “must have” taken a longer period of time, God’s word is very clear that the days of creation were six literal, 24 hour days. In fact, the biblical account of creation is actually the foundation of the Christian faith.

Does Absolute Truth Exist?

Absolute Truth

In today's post modern era, can anyone still make the argument that "Absolute Truth" still exists? Absolutely! What is postmodernism? Postmodernism believes that truth is not discovered but is actually created. Also, they believe that truth is not objective or absolute. All truth is personal and relative to the individual.