Sunday, February 3, 2013

Does Absolute Truth Exist?

Absolute Truth

In today's post modern era, can anyone still make the argument that "Absolute Truth" still exists? Absolutely! What is postmodernism? Postmodernism believes that truth is not discovered but is actually created. Also, they believe that truth is not objective or absolute. All truth is personal and relative to the individual.

How is this impacting the church? Many Christians no longer interpret the Bible by what it says. Instead, they interpret the Bible by asking what the passage means to them. A recent survey on the current church done by George Barna revealed the following startling facts:

  •  Only 9 percent of born again Christians have a biblical worldview.
  • A minority of born again adults (44 percent) and an even smaller proportion of teenagers (9 percent) are certain of the existence of absolute moral truth.
  • The ratio is even more lopsided among teenagers.
  • Only 4 out of 10 people are “absolutely committed” to the Christian faith.

 But what does the Bible say? The Bible clearly teaches that absolute truth not only exists, but it is; knowable, absolute, and exclusive. These points are undeniable. Christians believe that the truth is that which actually corresponds with God's word.

What are your thoughts?

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